The Power of Content Marketing: Business Growth the HBA Way

Have you ever wondered how businesses get more customers online? At (HBA), we use something called content marketing. It’s like using a magic wand to help businesses grow on the internet!

What is Content Marketing?

Imagine you have a story to tell about your business. Content marketing is like sharing that story with people online so they become interested in what you do.

The best place to store these stories? Your website, in the form of blog posts. They’re like chapters in a book about what makes your business special. And the more chapters you have, the better your story gets. Why do we want as many chapters as possible? Because we can! There’s no such thing as too much content. More content means more power to you. And guess what? Since 2023, churning out content is as easy on the wallet as it is effective.

We start by creating a big bunch of blog posts – think of building up to 200 in just 2-3 months. Then, we keep the momentum going by adding 3-5 new posts every week.

And here’s the exciting part: this is just the beginning. Once we have these blog posts, we get creative. We repurpose them, sharing their content in different forms across various platforms. This way, we spread your business’s story far and wide, grabbing attention from all corners.

This approach makes sure your business isn’t just telling a story; it’s starting a conversation with the world.

Initial Research: Laying the Foundation

Before we start turning our stories into blog posts, we do a bit of detective work, called initial research. This research is like mapping out a big adventure. We want to make sure we cover everything about your business, answer all the questions your customers might have, and even chat about things not directly related to what you do but are still interesting to your audience.

keyword research

Here’s how we do it:

  1. Categories and Sub-Categories: Imagine a huge tree. Each branch is a different part of your business, and these branches split off into smaller branches. These are the categories and sub-categories. They help us organize all the different topics we’ll talk about. Usually, we have 4-7 big branches (main categories) that split into 25-40 smaller ones (sub-categories).
  2. Keywords: Now, think of each sub-category branch covered in leaves. These leaves are keywords or phrases people type into search engines when they’re looking for something. During our research, we come up with thousands of these keywords – anywhere from 2,000 to 5,000! We then figure out which ones are searched for the most, how tough it would be to show up in search engines with these keywords, and how well they match what people want to know.
  3. Topical Map: This is our master plan. It’s a map that shows all the categories, sub-categories, and keywords we’ve gathered. Our goal is to cover every single thing about your business on this map. But it’s always growing and changing. We keep adding to it and making it better every few weeks.
  4. Content Plan: Once we have our topical map, we start picking keywords to create titles for new blog posts. It’s like picking which path to explore first on our big adventure. We make sure to pick a variety of paths (or topics) so we cover everything evenly. We aim to write 4-7 posts for each sub-category, making sure there are no empty spots on our map.

Choosing which keywords to use first isn’t just about picking the most popular ones. Sometimes, it’s smarter to go for the less popular keywords because it’s easier to get noticed. It’s better to be a big fish in a small pond than to go after the big keywords where it’s tough to stand out.

In short, our initial research is all about planning the best way to share your business’s story. We map out everything, choose our paths wisely, and make sure we’re ready to explore all the adventures ahead. This way, we can start our journey of turning your business into a success story, one blog post at a time.

Repurpose the Content for Maximum Impact

Once we’ve got a bunch of cool blog posts written up, it’s like we’ve got a treasure chest full of content. But we don’t just leave it buried; we find all sorts of ways to share it and make it work harder.

social media marketing

Spreading the Word with SEO

First up, we’ve got SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. It’s a fancy way of saying we make sure people can find our content when they search online. Search engines, like Google, love it when a website knows a lot about a specific topic. They call this “Topical Authority.” It’s like being the go-to expert in your field. Our job is to make your website that expert. By covering lots of topics related to your business, we help your site get noticed. But patience is key. It usually takes a few months before you start seeing more visitors coming your way from search results.

Helping Customers with Information

Our blog posts are like a library full of answers for your customers. Whether they’re just getting to know your products or need help after buying, we’ve got a post for that. It’s super handy to be able to share a link directly to an answer whenever a customer has a question. And if we find out we’re missing an answer, that’s our cue to write a new post. Plus, using smart search tools on your site, we can help customers find what they need all by themselves.

Getting Social on Media

Then, there’s social media. We take bits and pieces of our blog posts and share them on all the social networks where your business hangs out. It’s a great way to catch the eye of potential customers and get them interested in what you have to say.

Building Your Brand

And don’t forget about building your brand. Those blog posts are like magnets for attention. Other websites will start linking to your content because they find it valuable. This not only brings more people to your site but also makes your brand more well-known and trusted.

In summary, once we have our blog posts ready, the adventure’s just beginning. We use them to boost your website’s visibility, help your customers, make some noise on social media, and build up your brand. It’s all about taking those stories about your business and making sure they reach as far and wide as possible.

Paid Advertising the Optimal Way

Alright, so we’ve talked a lot about how awesome content marketing is for sharing your business’s story. But there’s another cool tool we use: paid advertising. Think of it as putting up digital billboards where you know your customers hang out online.

Content marketing gives us a treasure trove of stuff to share in these ads. Plus, all the research and data we’ve gathered help us figure out the best way to talk to your audience. It’s like knowing exactly what to say at a party to make new friends.

When we start paying for ads, we’re not just guessing where to put our money. We use all that great content we’ve created and the insights we’ve learned to place our ads smartly. This way, every penny spent is aimed at bringing more folks to check out your business.

In short, content marketing doesn’t just make your website cooler; it also sets the stage for super effective paid advertising. It’s like having a secret recipe that makes sure your ads are always on point, getting you more bang for your buck.

Content Marketing: Build, Measure, Learn, Repeat

Content marketing isn’t a one-and-done deal; it’s like the heartbeat of a company’s marketing efforts. It’s all about pulling people in by sharing cool stuff, not just pushing products at them.


Think of it as a never-ending cycle: Build → Measure → Learn → Build → …

First, we build by creating awesome content. Then, we measure to see how well it’s doing out there in the wild. Next, we learn from what the numbers tell us. And with those lessons in hand, we build some more, tweaking things to make them even better.

It’s like being a scientist, but for marketing. We experiment, observe, learn, and experiment some more. This way, we’re always getting smarter about how to share your business’s story and connect with more customers.

In summary, content marketing is a journey, not a destination. We’re constantly moving, growing, and improving. It’s this cycle of building, measuring, and learning that keeps businesses thriving and customers coming back for more.

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